Jonathan M. Ogurchak
PharmD, CSP
CEO & Founder
Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, is a specialty pharmacy veteran, having served in numerous roles across both PBM-owned and independent organizations for the last 14 years.
Currently, he is the CEO & Founder of STACK, a pharmacy information management platform designed to curate and organize information necessary to run successful pharmacies, professional associations, and higher education institutions. He also recently launched OnQueue, an advanced pharmacy workflow platform built to optimize the patient journey from start to finish for specialty pharmacies. He is also the CEO of Zeal Specialty Pharmacy, an independent newcomer to the market leveraging both technologies to create the best experiences possible for patients, prescribers, and pharma partners.
Jonathan is an adjunct faculty through Duquesne University and the University of Pittsburgh, precepts pharmacy students virtually at 21 schools of pharmacy nationwide, focused on specialty pharmacy programs and processes, and has served as Education Consultant for the National Association of Specialty Pharmacies.